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Abrams Squad: The Modern Modelling Magazine is the FIRST and UNIQUE magazine in the world devoted to Modern Warfare modelling. Here you will find the best articles of the best modellers and writers in the world. Step by step articles, painting techniques, building techniques, illustrated reports, news, reviews and much more.
Abrams Squad: The Modern Modelling Magazine is the FIRST and UNIQUE magazine in the world devoted to Modern Warfare modelling. Here you will find the best articles of the best modellers and writers in the world. Step by step articles, painting techniques, building techniques, illustrated reports, news, reviews and much more.
4.- Commander's Display Unit (news and reviews)
8.- RTS: MAN KAT1 5t (Hobby Boss)
18.- M1A2 SEP 1/72 - By Iao Kit
28.- PANDUR II - By Lukasz Orczyc-Musialek
42.- LEOPARD 2A6 HEL - By George Athanasiades
54.- T-64BV Valkyrie of the Ukrainian Civil War - By Cheng Hsien Meng
66.- EUTM Mali (1ª Parte) - Photo report by Patrick Winnepenninckx
72.- Turret Basket